Fier, Albania
Fier is an important small industrial city of about 80,000 located in southwestern Albania.
The ruins of the ancient Greek city of Apollonia are located a short distance away.

The Music School of Fier was founded by violinist Kozma Shallapi and pianist Maria Rafaeli in 1966.
Originally offering only violin and piano classes, it has now evolved to all string instruments,
woodwinds and brass, as well as voice. The school now has enrolled more than 300 students from 1st grade
through 12th. With an average monthly income of $200, their parents are not able to provide them with
new strings, new music, or much in the way of instrument maintenance.

In August 2013, the Foundation provided a substantial donation of strings, music and supplies to the
school as a pilot project, furthering the Foundation's mission of
Promoting String Performance.